August 2001  
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  By John Rafter
  As we celebrate labor Day 2001, we have a lot to be thankful for. The economy has been the best throughout the last five years that anybody has seen. We have had full employment. We have had very good success organizing new members and signing new contractors. Just last week we signed two new companies, Viking Steel and Site Fab.

  What the Ironworker has to sell is quality work, nobody works harder than the Ironworker. Take a look at any jobsite; it's the Iron worker who is out-performing all other crafts. Work ethics also play a role in signing new contractors and keeping them signed. Contractors don't hire extra Ironworkers to get the job done. So, if you don't plan to show up on the job ready to work, don't take the dispatch; let someone who wants to show up and give the employer eight hours work for eight hours pay

  That is the person who will make the ironworker's shine and allow us to continue to organize new companies to keep this union strong.

  At the July union meeting, four resolutions were to be read and voted on. One resolution was withdrawn by its author. and the other three resolutions were voted on and defeated by an over whelming majority.

  We have developed all of the pictures from the pinning ceremony and dinner that was held in May. lf you would like to get copies of some of the pictures. please call the union hall at(916) 646-6976 and let the secretary know your name and address so we can get the pictures to you.

  I have met with a representative from SMUD, and with the help of the Building Trades, a PLA for the new upcoming power plant on the Rancho Seco site looks promising.

  Gov. Gray Davis signed a new budget for the State of California. Among the victories for labor in the 2001 budget are:
bulletBudget language that requires the University of California system to pay prevailing wages on nearly $700 million on all capital outlay projects, even those funded entirely by private funds.
bullet$2 million increase for the Department of Industrial Relations to fund enforcement positions to enforce labor laws more aggressively throughout the state.
bullet$800,000 for community college apprenticeship funding, an increase of 117,OOO hours.
bullet$1.94 million for augmentation for apprenticeship program costs at the Department of Education.
bullet$160 million for initial construction costs for UC Merced, currently under negotiation for a PLA
bullet$8.3 billion for expenditures by Cal-Trans, including $3 billion for state highway and mass transportation projects.
bullet$3.l million to expedite the siting of new power plants.

In the past years Local 118 has had a Labor Day picnic. However, because of the International Convention, time has been cut short to organize the annual Labor Day picnic this year. So, we have joined forces with the Central Labor Council to celebrate its 104th year of representing working families with a Labor Day picnic at;
William Land Park
Next to Fairytale Town Off Sutterville Road
and Land Park Dr. Monday, Sept. 3rd

This will be a fun family event, with jump tents, interactive games, a dunk tank, balloons, face painting, and plenty of food and drinks

Retirees' Meeting will be Friday, Sep 14th, 11 a.m. at the union hall. come on down and meet the new officers. BBQ lunch will be provided.

As we celebrate this Labor Day, remember that all workers deserve a decent standard of living and the right to join a union. That is what the union has fought for in the past and will continue to fight for in the future.

Have fun this summer, be safe and make sure you and your family are registered to vote, elections are just around the corner.